In the following lines, we have selected some subtleties that you can use to optimize your work with artificial intelligence, so that conversations with Chat GPT become much more exciting, the tasks it performs be much better done.
Just one more clarification, we use Chat GPT not to generate ready-made content for us to directly copy and publish or send to a client. Rather, Chat GPT is a good research partner and an excellent source of ideas.
1. Provide maximum information
When you ask a Chat GPT a question or assign it a task, make sure you have given it enough information on the topic beforehand. This way it will be easier for it to get into the topic and catch the tone of communication. Feed it enough resources on the topic to make sure you’re both sufficiently prepared for the project, just as you would in working with a real colleague. Very often Chat GPT turns out to be just a robot assistant who doesn’t do the work for you, but helps you by giving you good ideas to think about. Why not?
2. Chronology of chats
Don’t create a new chat for every question. Chat GPT keeps the chronology of chats and it will be much easier to continue a topic on which you already have information. You can split the different projects you are working on into different chats. It will also be easier for you to go back to review previous consultations with Chat GPT. This way, you keep track of the progress of tasks and at the same time you don’t lose information.
3. Optimize prompts – different tasks for different purposes
Some of you probably know how important prompts are in working with Chat GPT. What does a prompt actually mean? It’s a text assignment, which can include questions and instructions that you type in Chat GPT to get the answers you need. The more specific, detailed and carefully worded the prompts are, the clearer the answers Chat GPT will give you. In the prompts, you can include your personal preferences for the style and tone of the communication, such as “I want the content to be engaging, but at the same time sound simple and easy to comprehend” or “act like a top-notch copywriting expert who creates research to better understand his audience”, and why not “I want the content to be written in the style of Scott Fitzgerald”. That’s right, you can play with Chat GPT in all sorts of ways and it can be extremely fun. We encourage you to keep trying new things, because you never know what you’ll find.
4. Check if Chat GPT understands the task
It’s always a good idea to tell Chat CPT after you set a task – “don’t start writing anything yet, tell me what you understand about the task first”. This will ensure that it doesn’t just generate general information, but really takes into account the guidance you give it. It might also save you a few corrections and backtracking until you get to the heart of the task. This is not to say that correcting questions is not a good practice, on the contrary. This is just the way you can get directly into the in-depth part of the conversation with the artificial intelligence and optimize your time.
5. Settings just for you
You can now give Chat GPT your own custom settings, at account level, to keep in mind in all your chats. That’s how you can make it write in your personal style of expression, so that replies look as close as possible to a work you’ve created, not like words written by a robot. You’ll also save time when starting each new chat if you give guidelines that are relevant to each conversation or project.